Somewhere I see you crying and calling in desperation, weeping in doubt and terror

You face an unknown danger, maybe my name occurs to you, maybe my name occurs to you

You call on your Gualtier.

I could not find you anywhere, beauty I love so dearly, I would have given anything, anything for your safety

Nothing would be too hard for, nothing would be too hard for me, would be too hard to bear.

I would give anything, nothing would be too hard , too hard, to bear , would be too hard for me

To find my dearest love

Ah! to find my dear, my love.   


Parmi veder le lagrime scorrenti da quell ciglio

Quando fra il dubbio e l’ansia del subito periglio

Dell’amor nostro memore, dell’amor nostro memore il suo Gualtier chiamo.


Ned ei potea soccorrerti, cara fanciulla amata,

Ei che vorria coll’anima farti quaggiu beata; ei che le sfere agli angeli

ei che le sfere agli angeli per te non invidio, ei che le sfere,

le sfere agli angeli per te, per te,le sfere agl’angeli per te non invidio

Ah! Non invidio per te.